First, Happy International Women's Day! To borrow from a note written by Melissa: "Today is simply a reminder that we (children, men, women and everyone in between) should mobilise for women yesterday, today, tomorrow and for all the days after that." It's not about the specific day but just to recognize that each individual, woman or otherwise, is unique and faces unique challenges, has special talents and embodies all the potential in the world if they are given an opportunity.
In other news, I had a fairly quiet weekend, with another surf lesson on Sunday with some new and old faces. Finally learning to catch my own waves; I can read when a set is coming in but still hard to time the paddling so that I actually ride the wave and not get rocked by it! I was at the beach with a friend Saturday afternoon, played a little raquette ball, enjoyed some rum punch and swam around for awhile. Last week, I went to a different friend's football (soccer) match, and watching from the sidelines really made me miss playing! Here is a picture from the game with a friend's little sister Samantha.
It's down to crunch time in Spanish class, so plan on cramming that for the next few weeks. The Institute is actually planning an Easter weekend trip to Venezuela - pretty cheap so it's tempting.
Otherwise, still running in the mornings and really liking experimenting in the kitchen recently, especially with red lentils. Next to milo, this is my current mini obsession. But eating more veg (even tried these), feeling good and thinking about my lovely friends in DC.
As I continue budgetting for food here, I thought you might appreciate a visual illustration of purchasing conundrums in a small island state.
This 2L jug of decent rum costs about 20 dollars
This package of strawberries costs 11.
Tax went up 2.5% in January, so VAT is sitting at 17.5% at a time when impacts from the economic crisis in North America as still being felt here. All over the world, prices of foodstuffs are going up, which affects people's buying choices. Already I can see a lot of American and fast food influence on people's eating habits here - between KFC and the local McDonald's equivalent Cheffette, I can see a lot of people get that taste for salt and a bargain. Here's hoping public health becomes more of a priority.
Also, my brother comes in T-one week!
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